Tolerant of a wide variety of soil moisture and pH the only thing this plant is particular about is sun--it needs sun. Holly will tolerate partial shade or full sun if not exposed to strong winds. The leaves are light green and shiny. Under landscape conditions, an American holly will grow 15 to 20 feet high and spread from 6 to 10 feet wide, if unpruned. Young leaves have a reddish cast; in the fall they take on purple tones. Hardiness zone--5 (new growth may be injured by a late spring frost in colder areas). It can grow rather tall, reaching heights of 35 to 40 feet, and has a spread of 8 to 20 feet. See All Pest, Disease and Weed Identification, See All Beer, Hard Cider, and Distilled Spirits, See All Community Planning and Engagement. Young Austrian pines have a dense pyramidal form, but as they mature they become broad, slightly flat-topped trees. Pennsylvania Forest Stewardship Program Identifying Pennsylvania Trees Objective for this presentation: To help individuals learn to identify common Pennsylvania trees using the Summer Key to Pennsylvania Trees (free copies available from the PA … The leaves are approximately ⅛ inch long, light green in the summer, and light brown in winter. The narrow leaves on the tree are leathery, about ⅛ inch in diameter, and up to 4 inches long. The seed is produced in a cone. For optimum growth and foliage color, this tree should be planted in full sun. If allowed to grow into tree form, it will reach heights of 50 to 60 feet with a spread of 25 to 30 feet, so don't plant it too close to your home. The list of cultivars is not complete; only an indication of the possible variations that can be used in the landscape. Although this plant is not available in most garden centers, there are many cultivars that are. Young plants are broad, compact, and pyramidal. As the plant matures it forms a flat-topped, open, and wide-spreading tree. As they mature the plants develop a somewhat flattened top with horizontal branches. Generally, when conditions improve, the plant will return to its normal cycle of foliage development. Full shade is found under low-branching trees with heavy foliage or under the overhang of a building. Evergreen Trees. Prolonged drought in the summer, late spring frosts, or early fall frosts may affect a plant's ability to survive. There are no flowers or fruit of ornamental value. Growing 1-2' tall this native evergreen compliments shaded naturalized or formal landscapes. The branches tend to arch to the ground, and the stems produce a three-part spine that may be more than ½ inch long. This pine also can be planted in heavy clay soils and full sun. It will also survive better in light shade than most other evergreen trees. The area should not be subject to seasonal dry weather in either summer or winter. Under cultivated conditions it can often reach a height of 50 to 60 feet with a spread of 20 to 35 feet. The leaves are straight, ¼ to ½ inch long, and extend from the sides of the stems. The best way to do that is to hire a tree care professional. Showy flowers in shades of pink and white abound in May on a happy plant, which will be growing in moist acidic soils with high organic matter. The Pennsylvania state tree is the Eastern Hemlock, an evergreen tree that grows up to 175 feet tall on a straight trunk. It can be used with other plants in a border or can be grouped by itself for a display of foliage and fruit (both male and female plants are needed to obtain fruit set on the females). Photo: Kathy Salisbury. There is one cultivar, 'Burfordii', which has dark green foliage and only one terminal spine at the tip of the leaf. With proper selection and placement of deciduous plants, you can have a garden that is continually changing with the seasons. They can be used as an accent planting or for low borders in front of other plants. The flowers are inconspicuous, and the fruit is a cone 3 to 4 inches long and 1½ inches in diameter, with small leafy bracts extending from under the scales. The best landscape designs are achieved when evergreens are used in conjunction with other deciduous plants. This is another large narrowleaf tree best suited to larger properties and open spaces. Female plants develop bright red, fleshy fruit about 1/4 inch in diameter. Individual leaves are broad and elliptic, 2 to 4 inches long, and about 1½ inches wide. The mature tree is quite open and picturesque, with a flat top and irregular shape. 'Plumosa' is an older cultivar that is wide, dense, and compact, with a purple tint in winter. The flowers are of no value, but the 1½ to 2-inch-long cylindrical cones can be easily seen. A Serbian spruce is a very narrow pyramidal tree with short ascending branches near the top and drooping lower branches. The fruit is a 2- to 3-inch-long cone with heavy scales. If there has been root damage in the planting operation, the plant may drop extra foliage to compensate for the imbalance. Several cultivars of the plant are available: 'Filifera' develops drooping and stringy branches that give the plant a threadlike appearance; 'Plumosa' forms foliage that is soft textured and feathery; and 'Squarrosa' develops needle-like leaves that are gray-green and soft to the touch. This narrowleaf shrub can be adapted to a variety of landscape settings. This is caused by sunlight filtering through the leaves of high-branching trees. Under landscaping conditions, it will grow 90 to 100 feet with a branch spread of 20 to 30 feet at the base. Foliage is dark green with a conspicuous white line on the lower surface of each leaf. Its height of 50 to 60 feet and possible spread of 20 to 25 feet, however, limits its use in some situations.
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