Prepare a tea of Caraway seeds and dried White Horehound. White Horehound (Marrubium vulgare L.), called also common horehound, is a plant native to Europe, northern Africa and some parts of Asia.Most often it covers all kinds of wasteland and roadside, also occurs in mountainous areas. Prepare a tea of fresh White Horehound leaves. White horehound preparations are obtained by comminuting (reducing into tiny pieces) or powdering the above-ground parts of the plant, by making a liquid extract or pressing the juice from the plant. The name is derived from the Latin word herba, meaning “green crops.” Horehound, Marrubium vulgare, is a perennial herb in the mint family. Horehound has been used as a medicinal herb for a long time. A wineglassful may be taken three or four times a day. One of the oldest uses of white horehound is as an antispasmodic. White horehound is used for digestion problems including loss of appetite, indigestion, bloating, gas, diarrhea, constipation, and liver and gallbladder complaints. This means once it is planted it will return year after year. I Cut Like A Buffalo: White: 3:28: 4. ]. White horehound; Back to Top. N o Titre Auteur Durée; 1. The parts that grow above the ground are used to make medicine. Health Benefits of White Horehound and Uses Horehound is most commonly used to make horehound candies (hard lozenge candies) that are considered by folk medicine to aid digestion, soothe sore throats, and relieve inflammation. White Horehound possesses Antibiotic and Antimicrobial properties. Though it seems like an obscure herbal remedy, horehound … It was a principal ingredient in the negro Caesar's antidote for vegetable poisons. White Horehound Medicinal Uses has a long history. It prevents certain Cancer types, Diabetes and Gastrointestinal disorder. Each seed has a small “hook” on it which snags the fur of passing animals, hitching a ride to a new location. Take Verbascum Thapsus, White Horehound, Coughwort and Lobelia. There are two types of horehound, white and black. 1. Long before the advent of modern medicine, horehound (Marrubium vulgare) was a favorite remedy for ancient peoples for soothing the symptoms of flu, colds, laryngitis, bronchitis and other ailments that affect the lungs. Other uses of herbs include cosmetics, dyes, and perfumes. The Egyptian Priests called this plant the 'Seed of Horus,' or the 'Bull's Blood,' and the 'Eye of the Star.' It has quite a pleasant taste. It is native to the same regions as white horehound and is considered an invasive species in some parts of North America. The seeds get “planted” when the animal brushes against something or … White horehound is the common name for the plant Marrubium vulgare L. The plant is cultivated or gathered to obtain the above-ground parts for medicinal use. Parts Usually Used. Horehound drops are bittersweet hard candies made with sugar and an extract of M.vulgare. Gerard recommends it, in addition to its uses in coughs and colds, to 'those that have drunk poyson or have been bitten of serpents,' and it was also administered for 'mad dogge's biting.'. This article was most recently revised and updated by Melissa Petruzzello, Assistant Editor. Prepare a decoction of Hyssop, White Horehound and Coltsfoot . 60 Feet Tall: Mosshart/Fertita: 5:33: 2. Common Name Index It is in steady demand, and it would probably pay to cultivate it more in this country. Have 120 ml daily for a week. The plant leaves and flowers are used in the extraction of Essential Oils. Horehound has small white flowers tucked within the armpits of its leaves. Two or three teaspoonsful of the expressed juice of the herb may also be given as a dose in severe colds. Drink twice a day. It is a popular ingredient in commercial cough syrups and lozenges. Some people apply black horehound to the skin as a mild drying agent (astringent) and as a treatment for gout. It protects the Immune System from attack of free radicals. Take it, twice a day. White horehound is a well-known and popular herbal medicine that is often used as a domestic remedy for coughs, colds, wheeziness etc[4, 254]. According to Columella, Horehound is a serviceable remedy against Cankerworm in trees, and it is stated that if it be put into new milk and set in a place pestered with flies, it will speedily kill them all. It now is used primarily as flavorings in liqueurs, candies and cough drops A MODERN HERBAL Home Page, © Copyright Protected 1995-2020 Description of Plant(s) and Culture. Horehound is an Expectorant and Tonic. The powdered leaves have also been employed as a vermifuge and the green leaves, bruised and boiled in lard, are made into an ointment which is good for wounds. of each boiled in 2 pints of water, to 1 1/2 pint, strained and given in 1/2 teacupful doses, every two to three hours. The earliest records of the use of this plant come from Egypt and ancient Rome. White Horehound is distinguished from other species by its woolly stem, the densely felted hairs on the leaves, and the tentoothed teeth of the calyx. At the first sign of a cold or flu, chop a handful of horehound leaves and mix them with a tablespoon of honey. Horehound is a strongly, rank-scented perennial plant with a dense covering of white hairs, growing 2-3 feet tall; a fibrous, spindle-shaped rootstock send up numerous bushy, square, downy stems. Check your mobile for SMS (Didn't get the message, repeat Step 1). White horehound is used for digestion problems including loss of appetite, indigestion, bloating, gas, diarrhea, constipation, and liver and gallbladder complaints. The parts that grow above the ground are used to make medicine. If raised from seed, the seedlings should be planted out in the spring, in rows, with a space of about 9 inches or more between each plant. Horehound has been mentioned in conjunction with medicinal use dating at least back to the 1st century BC, where it appeared as a remedy for respiratory ailments.. White Horehound Medicinal Uses Overview As a treatment for coughs and bronchitis, white horehound is often combined with other herbs such as hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis) a… Make an ointment of White Horehound fresh leaves. Native American tribes … The parts that grow above the ground are used to make medicine. Candied Horehound is best made from the fresh plant by boiling it down until the juice is extracted, then adding sugar before boiling this again, until it has become thick enough in consistence to pour into a paper case and be cut into squares when cool. Drink 2 cups a day. It goes by several different names including houndsbane and white horehound. used traditionally as an expectorant and continues to find a place in cough lozenges and cold preparations. The plant has both culinary and medicinal uses. It is a gentle purgative in large doses and when added to a salve Horehound acts as a vermifuge for wounds. Learn More in these related Britannica articles: perennial. Traditional Use (May Not Be Supported by Scientific Studies) Horehound was reportedly first used in ancient Rome by the physician Galen, who recommended it as a … ---Part Used---Herb. It is also used in beverages, such as horehound beer, steeped as tea, and in the rock and rye cocktail. White horehound possesses marrubiin, a biiter diterpene lactone in addition to choline, alkaloids, flavonoids, essential oil, tannins, flavonoids, resins, mucilage, vitamin C and minerals. Horehound est le premier album du groupe américain de rock alternatif The Dead Weather, produit par Jack White et publié le 14 juillet 2009 par le label Third Man Records. Horehound holds number of health benefits. White horehound is a plant. Horehound Is a medicinal herb from the mint family.Origanating in the mediterranean, It has a long history of uses. The leaves and flowers are used to extract … Like many other plants of the Labiate tribe, it flourishes in waste places and by roadsides, particularly in the counties of Norfolk and Suffolk, where it is also cultivated in the corners of cottage gardens for making tea and candy for use in coughs and colds. They are related but different plants. Some studies suggest that in people with type 2 diabetes, taking horehound tea before meals may slightly lower blood sugar levels, improve appetite, dyspepsia, or indigestion after regular use for three weeks. White Horehound, also known as the “Seed of Horus”, is a protective herb governed by the element Earth and the planet Mercury.It was once considered the “anti-magick” herb and was revered for its ability to repel witches as well as break the power of spells; hence it was used … Syrup, 2 to 4 drachms. Horehound’s name may have come from old English words that indicate a plant with fine hairs but it may also have originated with the name of Horus, an ancient Egyptian god. There are also records that show that the most common applications were for colds and coughs and as an antiseptic. There are limited evidence for the use of horehound to treat liver and gallbladder problems, constipation, fluid retention, bloating, gas, abdominal pain and spasms, skin damage, ulcers, and wounds. Other authors derive its name from the Hebrew marrob (a bitter juice), and state that it was one of the bitter herbs which the Jews were ordered to take for the Feast of Passover. The extracts of White Horehound Herb are used as a … It is sometimes used to adulterate extracts of white horehound. Like other products derived from M.vulgare, they are sometimes used as an unproven folk treatment for coughs and other ailments. Horehound — commonly known as white horehound — is a bitter perennial bushy plant belonging to the mint family. Liste des chansons. For ordinary cold, a simple infusion of Horehound (Horehound Tea) is generally sufficient in itself. Take two times a day. The leaves and flower tops of the horehound plant have been traditionally used in the form of a bitter tonic as a home remedy for the common cold. Solid extract, 5 to 15 grains. Take it, thrice a day. Other Uses for White Horehound. This plant loves warm temperatures and nutrient-rich soils, and remains cultivated today as a medicinal plant, mainly in Morocco and Eastern Europe. It is known as “white horehound” to distinguish it from another herb called black horehound that is primarily involved in medical use. However, the use of horehound fo… The combination of exclusive organic compounds found in White Horehound oil makes the plant very powerful. Apply it, twice a day on the infected skin. Do you know this herb by any other name ? Make a decoction of Ipecacuanha, WhiteHorehound, Coltsfoot and Grindelia . Horehound is helpful for moist, hot bronchitis, flu and lung colds. Horehound syrup is an old-time cough remedy. The tea may be made by pouring boiling water on the fresh or dried leaves, 1 OZ. ---Constituents---The chief constituent is a bitter principle known as Marrubium, with a little volatile oil, resin, tannin, wax, fat, sugar, etc. Correcting irregular heart beats, soothing asthmatic conditions, wheezing, and whooping cough. It can be propagated from seeds sown in spring, cuttings, or by dividing the roots (the most usual method). Horehound is sometimes combined with Hyssop, Rue, Liquorice root and Marshmallow root, 1/2 oz. It makes an excellent addition to cough syrups and can be substituted for Hops in your … Other uses of the plant include a bitter for assisting in digestion. The leaves are Vermifuge. ---Cultivation---White Horehound is a hardy plant, easily grown, and flourishes best in a dry, poor soil. Don't confuse black horehound with white horehound. White horehound is a plant. White horehound is an anti-inflammatory herb and it is used to treat coughs, and other respiratory ailments such as bronchitis, whooping cough and asthma. Flowers and leaves (fresh or dried in the shade) Back to Top. Horehound is often dried in modern times and used in … This relaxing nature of the herb has made it popular as a tea, as it can calm the body and mind. Horehound (Ku Bo He) Botanical Name: Marrubium vulgare., [Note: You are requested to write correct English only. Medicinal use of White Horehound: White horehound is a well-known and popular herbal medicine that is often used as a domestic remedy for coughs, colds, wheeziness etc. ---Habitat---White Horehound is a perennial herbaceous plant, found all over Europe and indigenous to Britain. The herb apparently causes the secretion of a more fluid mucous, readily cleared by coughing[254]. Please do not use SMS English, Short Text and Words like hi, hello. White Horehound (Marrubium vulgare) is a perennial herbaceous herb in the mint family that is native to Europe, Asia and Africa. You may ask and answer a query. The leaves are boiled and used as an ointment. It was once regarded as an anti-magical herb. The ancient Romans used it as snake bite anti-venom and as a poison antidote. ---Preparations and Dosages---Fluid extract, 1/2 to 1 drachm. Hang You from the Heavens: Mosshart/Fertita: 3:39: 3. If you suffer from seizures, muscle twitches, cramps, or other spasm-related conditions, white horehound can soothe the nervous system and prevent the onset of these attacks. When not helped along by gardeners, white horehound uses animals to disperse its seeds. Other names for this herb include houndsbane, marrubium, eye of the star, seed of Horus, marvel, and bulls’ blood. It is good for Wounds. Prepare a juice of White Horehound fresh leaves. The herb apparently causes the secretion of a more fluid mucous, readily cleared by coughing. White horehound is a plant. One commonly finds Horehound plants growing along pathways and on walls. Prepare an infusion of dried Horehound. of the herb to the pint. Your Query - This is a community service. It boosts the Heart health, soothes Inflammation and eliminates Indigestion. Until recently, it was chiefly collected in Southern France, where it is much cultivated. Horehound (aka Marrubium) has been used for centuries as a natural remedy for a wide range of respiratory conditions. Rectally, black horehound is used as an enema against intestinal worms. Egyptian priests believed that the plant was capable of fending off disease-causing spells and it was also used to counteract poisoning. Taken in large doses, it acts as a gentle purgative. Make an infusion of White Horehound dried leaves powder. The Romans esteemed Horehound for its medicinal properties, and its Latin name of Marrubium is said to be derived from Maria urbs, an ancient town of Italy. White Horehound blooms from June to September and is one of the oldest herbs grown in herb gardens.. Click Here. Horehound is a perennial plant. It does not blossom until it is two years old. "White Horehound" Botanical name: Marrubium vulgare Common name(s): White horehound Family: Lamiaceae Part used: leaves and flowering tops Active Constituents: Diterpenes (bitter) Flavonoids Alkaloids (expectorant) Volatile oils (expectorant) Mucilage Tannins Vitamin A,C,B,E, Minerals S, Fe Qualities: Cool, neutral (Holmes) Actions: Expectorant (stimulating) / Mucociliary … Horehound Medicinal Significance. Eat them slowly to relieve a sore throat or cough. White horehound has also expectorant properties and can be used to loosens phlegm to produce a more effective cough by soothing the tissues in the bronchial pathway allowing mucus to be expelled with ease. The plant was also used for patients with respiratory problems. They are dark-colored, dissolve in the mouth, and have a flavor that has been compared to menthol and root beer. Avoid use during Pregnancy, Breast Feeding. Prepare a decoction by taking equal quantity of all the following herbs for 15-20 minutes. For children's coughs and croup, it is given to advantage in the form of syrup, and is a most useful medicine for children, not only for the complaints mentioned, but as a tonic and a corrective of the stomach. Use twice a day. No further culture will be needed than weeding.

white horehound uses

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