3. Unsurprisingly, the growth of interest in constructivism gave rise to more ‘student centred’ forms of teaching, such as independent and group learning. Learn by doing, and tend to be extrovert people who get on with things, thriving on challenge and. The task or problem is thus the interface between the instructor and the learner. Gage and Berliner (1988) give a good overview of what happens in cognitive learning, when we process ‘meaningful verbal material’. Learning better achieved alone, with peers in a group, with authoritative adult etc. By which sensory mode is learning better achieved: auditory, visual or kinetic. This means that the learning experience is both subjective and objective and requires that the instructor’s culture, values and background become an essential part of the interplay between learners and tasks in the shaping of meaning. It consists of 38 items, 21 representing analysis and 17 intuition; the results are summed and then divided by the number of items in that dimension, with the higher the score, the stronger the tendency towards that particular descriptor. Learning styles and the nature of learning, By providing visual stimuli along with the verbal. Learning as acquiring facts, skills, and methods that can be retained and usedas necessary. The similarity between the two approaches can further be seen in this diagram of Kolb’s cycle (Rodwell, 2005): Some learning styles are given descriptors based on cognitive attributes, most often described in terms of the dimensions of wholistic/analytic or verbalizer/imager. For all constructivists, however, the most important question is, what goes on in the mind of the learner? Such learners will flourish with distance learning or resource-based learning. There are those learners that learn fast while there are those learners that learn in average or slower. Green and Gredler (2002) emphasize learning as an iterative process, involving discursive, adaptive, interactive, and reflexive qualities. This change may range from the acquisition of a relatively simple skill, item of information to the mastery of complicated mechanical performance and application of difficult and abstract reading material, change in response or behavior is caused partly or wholly by experience. Until the 1970s, the most favoured perspective was that of the behaviourists, who were more concerned with the measurable outputs of learning, such as the ability to reproduce facts, than in the mental processes involved. Motivation is also key to learning: Entwistle began in the 1970s to explore ideas of deep learning and surface learning (Tickle, 2001). Their cognitive style index measures learning styles along the wholistic/analytic dimension. The retentional process is aided by coding and rehearsal. Dependent learning which is teacher directed, highly structured with very explicit assignments, and with lectures, surgeries etc. Knowledge is thus a product of humans and is socially and culturally constructed. The dynamic interaction between task, instructor and learner. In the surface approach, learners are more concerned with ‘simply memorizing’ the text and don’t ‘argue with it’ or make any attempt to relate it to the broader canvas of their knowledge. By mnemonic devices especially ones that employ visual imagery (see point about dual coding above). This article provides helpful information regarding nature versus nurture and how a child’s environment can encourage their academic potential. According to them the main focus is on the instructor-student relationship. all help here, as do attractively presented visuals using colour and images. Learning Process: Kolb's (1984) ‘Experiential Learning Style Theory’ is typically represented by a four STAGES learning cycle in which the learner 'touches all the bases‘. Do people learn in the same way? Some years ago, Säljö (1979) carried out a simple, but very useful piece of research. There are different types of learning processes, for example, habit formation in motor learning; and learning that involves the generation of knowledge, or cognitive skills and learning strategies. He gave the following descriptors to these stages: The idea is that learning demands ‘both a grasp or figurative representation of experience and some transformation of that representation’ (Rodwell, 2005). ; This is represented on the diagram as two axis dividing the cycle into four quadrants. The focus shifted from how did people reproduce knowledge, to how did they construct it? Nature is an unbeatable source of inspiration – not just in the sense of creating art but also nature helps to clear head, gain perspective and become more creative at problem-solving. The nature of the learning process Learning is an active, social process Social constructivist scholars view learning as an active process where learners should learn to discover principles, concepts and facts for themselves, hence the importance of encouraging guesswork and intuitive thinking in learners. Sadler-Smith, E. (1996), ‘Learning styles: a holistic approach’. Make use of groups to encourage diversity. (Incidentally, this is an argument for using concrete as opposed to abstract words as the former give rise to imagery in the mind.). Kolb also believed that people react differently to these stages, although he emphasized the importance of developing skills in all. The cognitive style index is considered reliable as far as re-testability is concerned, and recently it has been revised and the dimensions separated. 4. Vygotsky (1978) also highlighted the convergence of the social and practical elements in learning by saying that the most significant moment in the course of intellectual development occurs when speech and practical activity, two previously completely independent lines of development, converge. Some learning approaches that could harbour this interactive learning include reciprocal teaching, peer collaboration, cognitive apprenticeships, problem-based instruction, web quests, anchored instruction and other approaches that involve learning with others. and Hayes, J. McMahon (1997) agrees that learning is a social process. Four Learning Styles • Concrete experience (Feeling): A new experience of situation is encountered, or a reinterpretation of existing experience. Autonomous – the learner likes to have the teacher as a resource, but to have influence over the content and structure of what is learnt. Educational psychology involves the study of how people learn, including topics such as student outcomes, the instructional process, individual differences in learning, gifted learners, and learning disabilities.Psychologists who work in this field are interested in how people learn … In fact, for the social constructivist, reality is not something that we can discover because it does not pre-exist prior to our social invention of it. If you’re learning how to do something the wrong way, you’ll continue to use it the wrong way. He further states that learning is not a process that only takes place inside our minds, nor is it a passive development of our behaviours that is shaped by external forces and that meaningful learning occurs when individuals are engaged in social activities. Like to do a lot of preparation and think about what they do before rushing into a decision as to how to do it. 3. Practical learners who adopt the right strategy for the task in hand, enjoy problem solving and learn by practical application of theory. Learning is expected to bring about more or less permanent change in the learner’s behavior. There are two primary elements in meaning of learning:. Learning is Continuous. Affiliate links are included for your convenience. Learning is through Experience. If we compare the simple, crude ways in which a child feels and behaves, with the complex modes of adult behaviour, his skills, habits, thought, sentiments and the like- we will […] One major source of learning is through response consequences. Indeed, it is considered desirable that they should develop a range of skills. Learning is the process of change which enables an organism itself to the environment, it is therfore a process of development and growth and it is characterized by flexibility because the individual has to adapt itself constantly to the circumstances of the environment. Other constructivist scholars agree with this and emphasize that individuals make meanings through the interactions with each other and with the environment they live in. As stated above, there is little research or theoretical underpinning to learning styles, and while anecdotal evidence points to the value of including a range of different styles to accommodate various needs, many do not consider that the teacher should automatically match teaching method to the learner. Making the learning process more visible means uncovering the steps—or missteps—a student took to reach a certain level of knowledge. ADVERTISEMENTS: Learning: Meaning, Nature, Types and Theories of Learning! The native capacity of the individual is of prime importance in determining the effectiveness of the, learning process. Learning requires the active, constructive involvement of the learner. This creates a dynamic interaction between task, instructor and learner. Provide teaching that is genuinely learner-centred, offering flexibility and choice (supported by better curriculum and course content design). 2. For example, you “learn” to drive a car or have learned how to use a computer. This led to the growth of constructivism, according to which knowledge is ‘constructed’ by the learner. Kolb’s model was further developed by the British psychologists Honey and Mumford (1992), who developed the Learning Styles Questionnaire and whose well-known model summarized in the table below broadly corresponds with Kolb’s typology (see third column): Honey and Mumford make no claim for their questionnaire being a psychological test, seeing it rather as something which can help managers think, and it has been highly influential in training. Pask, G. (1976), ‘Conversational techniques in the study and practice of education’. A second major source of learning is through observation. That’s where visible learning comes in. Addressing the whole learner in developmentally appropriate ways includes establishing positive student relationships and listening to each learner’s voice in creating productive learning climates.
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