Maine Forest Service - Forest Health and Monitoring Division This larval stage is the most damaging of the tropical sod webworm’s life-cycle. Mature caterpillars are ¾ to 1 inch long and grayish-green. The life cycle from egg to adult is approximately 50 days. Currently, the taxonomic status of Hyphantria cuneaas a single species remains intact. By the end of the summer tents may be 2 to 3 feet long and enclose the entire end of a branch. It is not considered a threat to hardwood forests, nor is it a threat to the health of infested trees as it occurs too late in the season after trees have already stored up much of their food reserves. The white moth will begin to appear in June and some will … By late July, large unsightly loosely constructed, silken nests may begin to appear on branches of roadside or woodland hardwoods and shrubs. Caution : For your own protection and that of the environment, apply the pesticide only in strict accordance with label directions and precautions. The female may deposit nearly 1,500 eggs on the underside of a host plant leaf; the female covers the egg mass with white hairs from her abdomen. Proper timing for spraying will be about mid-July. Bureaus & Programs → Maine Forest Service → Forest Health & Monitoring → Insect & Disease Fact Sheets → Fall Webworm. Trees are not killed by this pest and control is not essential. Webworm larvae feed within the nest whereas the eastern tent caterpillar feeds ou… Shortly after emerging, the moths lay their eggs, usually on the underside of leaves. Under heavy sod webworm pressure, large areas of turf can be defoliated and even killed during periods of summer heat and drought. The female deposits her eggs on the underside of leaves and covers them with … More Locations, Phone: (207) 287-3200 In the southern part of its range, the moth is white with dark wing spots while in the northern part of its range it is nearly always pure white (MPG 2010) and was once thought to be … South of an approximate latitude of 40°N there are two or more generations annually, with webs appearing progressively earlier further south. Webworm larvae feed within the nest whereas the eastern tent caterpillar feeds outside its tent. It overwinters in the pupal stage in cocoons and transforms into an adult in the spring. Pesticide recommendations are contingent on continued EPA and Maine Board of Pesticides Control registration and are subject to change. In the southern part of its range, the moth is white with dark wing spots while in the northern part of its range it is nearly always pure white (MPG 2010) and was once thought to be a separate species from the southern populations. They do not cause widespread defoliation and host trees typically survive an infestation. In late June to early July moths emerge. Pruning to remove webs when they are first noticed is one possible control. Fully-grown larvae exit the web when ready to pupate. Adults emerge in late May or early June to begin mating and laying eggs. From mid-August through the end of the summer is when the fall webworm is noticed on walnut and other hardwood trees. Life Cycle The fall webworm overwinters as cocooned pupa in the soil, in leaf debris, or in cracks or crevices. The brown pupal case is about 1/3” (10mm) long and may have bits of leaf litter woven into it. Fall Webworm. Thanks for the help. They feed gregariously and spin lightly woven webbed tents which contain the leaves on which they feed. Applications in very late summer or early fall (later than mid-September) especially, are of no benefit and should be avoided in order to preserve predators, parasites and other biological control organisms. The insects overwinter as pupae in the soil. The fall webworm moth has a 1- to 1½-inch wingspan. In West Texas, they prefer mulberry, poplar and willow—in East Texas, they most often attack sweetgum, oak, hickory and pecan. 18 Elkins Lane Two generations of fall webworm caterpillars can occur in the Southern Great Plains. Life Cycle: Moths emerge in spring and, after mating, females lay eggs on undersides of leaves of the host. For more information on insecticides please see this article. The gregarious larvae form large tents around the host plant. There are at least a dozen species of parasites and predators involved in the control of this pest. Alert: Stay up to date on Maine's COVID-19 Response, DACF Home → Shortly after emerging, the moths lay their eggs, usually on the underside of leaves. If a second generation is produced, it can extend into October. Tiny 1/32 inch long caterpillars hatch from eggs in 6 to 10 days and develop through 7 or 8 stages (instars) over 25 to 50 days, depending upon temperature. Fall webworm tents start small, but the caterpillars enlarge the tent every few days as they grow and consume the leaves within the tent. Fall Webworm:There is one generation of fall webworm per year, but it is not very synchronous. But it's not the moths causing damage; it's their offspring—the caterpillars—damaging the turf. The winter is spent as a pupa and the following summer the adult snow-white moth emerges, usually around late June and early July in this area. Life cycle In northern areas of North America, there is 1 generation of webworms each year and can be seen in the late summer too early fall. Importance: Large tent-like webs of the fall webworm (Hyphantria cunea) are a common sight in Alabama. They remain inside the web, enlarging it as they feed for four to eight weeks.
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