An object made of pure adamantium has 1.5x its normal weight. Virgil describes Tartarus as having a screeching gate protected by columns of solid adamantine (Aeneid book VI). Adamantine (or adamantium)1 is a type of metal. In that capacity, the name is frequently used in popular media and fiction to refer to a very hard substance. The Black Panther movie offers a faithful explanation of vibranium's origins, revealing Wakanda was founded on the site where a vibranium meteorite struck the Earth. Since the word diamond is now used for the hardest gemstone, the increasingly archaic term "adamant" has a mostly poetic or figurative use. Unprocessed adamantine, termed adamantby some sages, is hard but brittle, and unsuitable for use as a weapon. History. As adjectives the difference between adamantine and diamond is that adamantine is made of adamant, or having the qualities of adamant; incapable of being broken, dissolved, or penetrated; as, adamantine bonds or chains while diamond is made of, or containing diamond, a diamond or diamonds. Armor made from adamantium grants its wearer damage reduction of 3/— if it's light armor, 4/— if it's medium armor, and 5/— if it's heavy armor. Not to be confused with Adamantite. Another connection was the belief that adamant (the diamond definition) could block the effects of a magnet. The Infinity Gems were said to be the essence of the primordial entity Nemesis, whom split itself into six gems, eons ago. Adamantium, a virtually indestructible steel alloy. Their magical strength and sharpness faded if brought into contact with direct sunlight. Adamantine has, throughout ancient history, referred to anything that was made of a very hard material. adamantine: [adjective] made of or having the quality of adamant. Legendary Olympian metal for which Adamantium was named, used in Hercules' Golden Mace and the Gates of Pluto. vs Nth Metal, which gives the user flight, gives you a healing factor and strength. This was addressed in chapter III of Pseudodoxia Epidemica, for instance. Weapons fashioned from adamantium have a natural ability to bypass hardness when sundering weapons or attacking objects, ignoring hardness less than 25 (except for items made of adamantine alloy). not capable of being swayed or diverted from a course; unsusceptible to persuasion; "he is adamant in his refusal to change his mind", "Cynthia was inexorable; she would have none of him", "an intransigent conservative opposed to every liberal tendancy", very hard native crystalline carbon valued as a gem. See more. Adamantium is one of the most indestructible metals in the Marvel universe. We need money to operate the site, and almost all of it comes from our online advertising. It is a wh… An imaginary rock or mineral of impenetrable hardness; a name given to the diamond and other substances of extreme hardness. 1 Myths & Legends 2 Modern Depictions 2.1 Geology 2.2 Comics Although not only referring to metals, Adamantine was also known as the metal of the gods. I don't think there's any listing for adamantine weapons anywhere in the handbooks. Unlike what a player would expect, one does not simply make adamantine wafers directly from raw adamantine. It is named after the legendary metal Adamantine of Greek mythology. A stone imagined by some to be of impenetrable hardness; a name given to the diamond and other substances of extreme hardness; but in modern mineralogy it has no technical signification. Also has magical properties. Weapons and armor normally made of steel that are made of adamantium have two-thirds more hit points than normal. It is now a rhetorical or poetical name for the embodiment of impenetrable hardness. This means that they are magic items, with all the attendant properties. It has a glossy black appearance, and has the unique property that reflections seen in it glow with rainbow edges. However it is breakable as shown by Black Adam. Adamantium vs Vibranium. refusing to be persuaded or to change one's mind, "he is adamant that he is not going to resign". Made of adamant, or having the qualities of adamant; incapable of being broken, dissolved, or penetrated; as, adamantine bonds or chains. Adamantane is an organic compound with a formula C10H16 or, more descriptively, (CH)4(CH2)6. Adamantite and adamantium (a metallic name derived from the Neo-Latin ending -ium) are also common variants. The difference is this. Even more durable than Vibranium. Pure adamantium is rather heavy but beats adamantine for overall protection. (also note that for for about 60gp, an adamantine arrow/bolt is cheap lockpick as it deals 1d4 damage and bypasses most metal's hardness). Both adamant and diamond derive from the Greek word ἀδάμας, ἀδάμαντος (adamas, adamantos), meaning "untameable". While you're wearing it, any critical hit against you becomes a normal hit. He adamantly refused to leave). [citation needed] Adamantine was often used by drow elves of the Underdark, and their adamantine weapons were usually swords that were magically enhanced. Little by little, the small nation was able to achieve unbelievable technological advancement, thanks to the near-magical properties of the element. This video produced in partnership with 20th Century Fox LOGAN opens in cinemas everywhere March 3. While vibranium is capable of absorbing large quantities of energy into itself, there is a limit. Adamantium. However, due to the increase In weight, adamantium weapons and shields are treated as one size larger than normal (light becomes one handed, one handed becomes two handed, etc), and most adamantium armor is treated similarly (light becomes medium, medium becomes heavy). An arrow could be made of adamantium, but a quarterstaff could not. In its finished form, adamantine metal reflects a clear green sheen under candlelight, and purple-white under magical light. Adamantine has 50 hit points per inch of thickness and hardness 25. Yes, that’s pretty much it. The word is a pseudo-Latin neologism (real Latin: adamans, from original Greek ἀδάμας [=indomitable]; adamantem [Latin accusative]) based on the English noun and adjective adamant (and the derived adjective adamantine) added to the neo-Latin suffix "-ium." Adamantine strands are extracted from raw adamantine at a craftsdwarf's workshop by a strand extractor. Adamantine is a derived term of diamond. [citation needed] The g… Adamantium Vs. Vibranium – War of the Fictional Metals. It is extremely rigid steel-based alloy that the density is virtually indestructible. the added weight doesn't seem to make the weapon any less accurate as before yet cuts through stone like a flaming sword through a butter elemental. Adamantium, the strongest substance in the Marvel Universe next to Uru. The rules for adamantine are as per RAW. An object made of pure adamantium has 1.5x its normal weight. I'm playing a paladin who mostly is focused on defense, and looking at upgrading my armor. Adamantium is most famous for being used in Weapon X’s military program, bonded to the experiment codename Wolverine. I'm debating between getting mithral and adamantine fullplate. Buzzle brings to you one of the most epic battles of all, it is fight between Adamantium vs. Vibranium. Adamantine is a derived term of adamant. On a large map Adamantite starts spawning around a depth of 2,930 feet (1,465 tiles), 420 feet (210 tiles) above the depth at which lava settles in the Underworld. Adamantine definition, utterly unyielding or firm in attitude or opinion. Adamantine (or adamantium)[1] is a type of metal. Adamantine is an extremely hard, black metal. Adamantine weighs as much as steel. Thus, adamantine weapons and ammunition have a +1 enhancement bonus on attack rolls , and the armor check penalty of adamantine armor is lessened by 1 compared to ordinary armor of its type. The adjective adamant has long been used to refer to the property of impregnable, diamondlike hardness, or to describe a very firm/resolute position (e.g. Virgil describes Tartarus as having a screeching gate protected by columns of solid adamantine (Aeneid book VI). The spatial arrangement of carbon atoms in the adamantane molecule is the same as in the diamond crystal. Adamantite and adamantium (a metallic name derived from the Neo-Latin ending -ium) are also common variants. This suit of armor is reinforced with adamantine, one of the hardest substances in existence. [citation needed] Described as the Metal of the Gods, Adamantine is golden in color and has several mystical properties such as preventing both psychic and magical influences, as well as deflecting massive blasts of concussive energy. Pure adamantium is rather heavy but beats adamantine for overall protection. Adamantine, when smelted, was ultra-hard but this was a costly procedure. Adamantine has, throughout ancient history, referred to anything that was made of a very hard material. Plate consists of shaped, interlocking metal plates to cover the entire body. 1. Adamantium is technically more durable but Vibranium is a stronger metal. It is ferromagnetic like steel, and vulnerable to a rust monster's grasp. A sufficient amount is capable of surviving multiple nuclear explo… Adamantane is the most stable isomer of C10H16. This similarity led to the name adamantane, which is derived from the Greek adamantinos (relating to steel or diamond). Adamantine is described as being unbreakable, untarnishable, lightweight and resilient. The metal officially classified as 'vibranium' first appeared in 1966's Daredevilcomics, defined (in its purest form) as a w… Adamantine weapons were useful for damaging the weapons and armor of opponents. The rules for adamantine are as per RAW. We do not implement these annoying types of ads! We've detected that you are using AdBlock Plus or some other adblocking software which is preventing the page from fully loading. Vibranium: Pure vibranium is about as tough as steel (more or less). Adamantine vs. Adamantium. Origin of Adamantium. History. Strand extraction is an extremely long process for an unskilled laborer, making it potentially worthwhile to focus extraction experience on one or two individual dwarves. Adamantium is a virtually indestructible man-made steel alloy which does not occur in nature and whose exact chemical composition is a United States government classified secret. You must first extract adamantine strands from the raw adamantine, and those are then processed into wafers or cloth. Later, by the Middle Ages, the term came to refer to diamond, as it was the hardest material then known. Adamantane molecules can be described as the fusion of three cyclohexane rings. and similar words are used to refer to any especially hard substance, whether composed of diamond, some other gemstone, or some type of metal. Adamantium is a metal that is perhaps the strongest substance known to the Imperium, and is invulnerable to attacks from most known weapons. Is so hard even planet busters can't break it. 150). As adjectives the difference between adamantine and adamant is that adamantine is made of adamant, or having the qualities of adamant; incapable of being broken, dissolved, or penetrated; as, adamantine bonds or chains while adamant is firm; unshakeable; unyielding; determined. Wolverine's claws, Captain America's shield, and many other famous Marvel weapons were crafted using this incredible steel. Adamantium is so costly that weapons and armor made from it are always of masterwork quality; the masterwork cost is included in the prices given below. A set of adamantine armor or a shield was nearly impenetrable to normal weapons. Some GM ideas: Adamantium is the pure metal, while adamantine is an alloy of adamantium and other metal(s). Mithral and Adamantine armor appear under the "Magic Items" header of the DMG, and are listed in the magic item tables (Adamantine armor is actually the very first entry on pg. Much like answer to What Marvel metal is the strongest out of Adamantium, Vibranium and Uru?, except I'm going to go into more detail. As added by GregTech 6 As added by Metallurgy 4 Items without metal parts cannot be made from adamantium. Heavy armor made of adamantium always has +0 MDB, has a further -2 to ACP, has 2xASF (after the masterwork bonus is applied), and reduces speed by an additional 5 ft (25/10). consisting of or having the hardness of adamant. Adamantium is not an element: its properties do not qualify it for any known space on the Periodic Table of Elements. Adamantium is "unbreakable", even though it has been chipped and damaged before. Get tickets at Do not try this at home! The molecule is both rigid and virtually stress-free. Adamantine is just adamantium but godlier. for weapons, adamantine is generally the better choice. a legendary rock or mineral to which many properties were attributed, formerly associated with diamond or lodestone. Original question: What metal or material is the strongest out of Vibranium, Adamantium, Uru (Marvel) or Promethium and Nth Metal (DC)? This can be considered confusing for a number of reasons, most of all is the fact that Captain America's shield is made out of a …

adamantine vs adamantium

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